n’cloud data sharing & online collaboration

Nextcloud - the alternative to Microsoft Office 365

Nextcloud Office

With Nextcloud you have the solution to make individual files or entire folders securely available to your partners, customers and employees.

Nextcloud Office

Use Nextcloud Office! Nextcloud Office is a powerful online office suite with collaborative editing that supports all major document, spreadsheet and presentation file formats and works in all modern browsers.

Teilen Sie Ihre Daten

Share your data internally or externally with as many people as you like, securely and clearly, at no extra cost! 2FA & MFA: Of course, two-factor authentication is included!

Nextcloud Talk

Use Nextcloud Talk, the ultimate video call system and share your screen and edit your data simultaneously during meetings!


You can also synchronize the data on all your devices such as laptop or mobile and edit it offline!

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