Burkina Faso projects

n’cloud.swiss goes Burkina Faso: Swiss IT in Africa

Digitization platform

Swiss full-service IT provider supports digitalization in West Africa. Together with Ahmed Boly from Intellix Fact, n'cloud.swiss AG has been working on setting up the first online portal since 2018 https://www.ouagadougou.online

All beginnings are difficult...

A step back for progress.

"It all started with the online bank "Dorome Bank"", begins André Matter, Managing Director of n'cloud.swiss AG. "While we are used to different standards in Europe, we soon realized that not everyone in Burkina Faso has their own address, let alone a house number."

For André Matter and Ahmed Boly, however, this was no reason to give up. "We were looking for a solution that would help the country to be able to use the services of https://www.ouagadougou.online," André Matter continues. "Sometimes you have to build the basics for digital progress first."

After several discussions with the government, the team therefore began mapping streets and houses in collaboration with the relevant authority at the start of 2019. At the same time, street signs were put up and houses numbered. The street names were also determined together with the elders in the respective area.

Digital services for Burkina Faso

The project team set up one of the first digital services with mail@home, a postal service that you order online and then receive physical letters and parcels. A digital birth registration service has since been added. Other services have also been or are currently being developed:

Administrative processes for tax, police, customs, justice, etc.
Online market with a specially developed payment system (like Amazon)
Public transport systems
Labor market platform
Real estate market platform
International logistics

“The original project grew and grew and now includes a job center, a real estate market, an online directory with all local businesses, an online store and a
booking portal for national and international bus trips“, says André Matter.

n’cloud.swiss AG also offers its services, especially for cyber security, to the inhabitants of Burkina Faso via the online portal. More information about the Swiss IT and security service provider can be found at https://ncloud.swiss.

The postal delivery service – ouagadougou.online/service-mailhome

How it all began… The interview from December 22, 2021 with Ahmed Boly

The bus ticket booking system

Across Africa by bus - the new digital booking system

Plan your trip with peace of mind! SAPSAPBUS offers you the opportunity to buy your bus ticket anytime and anywhere and to take the time to compare timetables, prices and services of the individual bus companies.

Dorome Bank- The digital online bank

Change your paper money into digital money and shop worldwide…


The online market

The online market offers you everything you could wish for, almost like Amazon….


The Job Center

Find a job which suits you…


The real estate portal

Find your property or apartment…
